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IMEI Repair:

We would like to highlight that repairing an IMEI number may be illegal in certain countries, including but not limited to:

The purpose of educational articles related to IMEI repair is solely to restore the original number associated with the device (as found beneath the battery or on the back cover) that may have been lost due to a flashing error. The author of the article or the website management bears no responsibility for the illegal or unlawful use of this information.

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    The website includes educational content that explains how to perform certain technical operations such as bypassing, modifying, or deleting data, or making changes on mobile devices. However: Important Notice: This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not an invitation to make any illegal modifications or violate the terms of use of mobile devices or associated software. The website and the article’s author are not the developers of these tools, nor do they support them, and they bear no legal responsibility for any damages or issues resulting from performing these actions. Users must comply with local laws and the terms of use of their devices or software before making any modifications. The website does not encourage or endorse activities that may violate the laws or policies set by manufacturers or service providers. The full responsibility lies with the user who chooses to perform these actions.

Additional Notice:

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